Wednesday, June 18, 2008

hike day 1: le-puy-en-velay

it was a good day for walking as the skies spat down a light cool drizzle. will i get stuck down in the fires of hell for missing the morning mass and blessing in le puy's cathedral? the risk was well worth it to get a jump on the other pilgrims on the road. so i'm an instant gratification grrl, deal with it.

anyway, i had a date with my friend marie-claude from bretagne to meet her on the road. we spent a lovely afternoon together hiking through pastoral scenes, gorgeous wildflowers and birds, farms and forests, crossing goat farms along the way. goats=goat's cheese=yummalicious lunch! marie-claude and i eventually met her peeps bruno et aline as we all chatted our way into monistrol.

this lovely riverside village is nestled in a valley surrounded by the high cliffs of le massif central. the entrance into the village is heralded by a bridge conceived in 1890 by none other than gustav eiffel, architect of paris' sentinel. our man gustav was clearly ahead of his time but not so visionary as to imagine large transports crossing his design. hence, many are the marks and gashes marring the inside of the bridge where large trucks attempted the crossing, managing only to hopelessly wedge themselves in!

i bid bruno, aline and marie-claude adieu, then turned my attention to my inn's roomies. a dozen grenoble residents and i broke bread over the region's local dish: lentils and far, sausage with cheese and home grappa. yummm! by dinner's end, my new french friends looked to me for my best impression of the latest "tetes a claque" skits! une soiree tout a fait sympa!

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