Friday, June 27, 2008

hike day 12: cahors

had a dining experience in cahors fit for the gods last night. the meal started with a generous platter of the most scrumptious cold cuts followed by a delish braised chicken with mixed veggies on the side. now all of this was going down quite nicely with the local trappist monks' beer but the bar was raised a few notches with the arrival of the cheese platter. a half-dozen of the most phantasmagorical cheeses of various shapes and sizes landed at our table. num num num...some local sweet melon capped the meal nicely. ohhhhhh yeahhhhh baby!

took my leave of lovely cahors through its spectacular bridge and began a fairly arduous hike up up and away. half way up the cliff, i discovered another hiker who had somehow fallen over and the weight of her bag had wedged her in a rock gully on the edge of the cliff! precariously perched, to say the least. she was in such a tizzy that it hadn't occured to her to unsnap her knapsack to get herself out of her bind. such was my good samaritain move of the day.

after a steamy but much less mountainous day of hiking, i reached my evening destination. me voici maintenant, les deux pieds fermement plantes en plein dans montcuq. trust me, i am certainly not the only person deriving perverse and juvenile pleasure in the knowledge that without pronouncing the letter "q", the name of the place literally turns into "MyAss"!! thus the translation for the above: here i stand, both feet firmly planted in MyAss!! noone seems to pronounce the "q" in the village, honestly! everyone is walking around here talking about their own asses. what up??


Anonymous said...

Finally! A story about asses :-D

Unknown said...

So many jokes to be made here... where to begin? It's too easy!

Anonymous said...

Bet you were in lascabanes tonight, lost!!!!!! you are in Montcuq; sleep well and enjoy Moissac tomorrow!Mcl