Monday, June 30, 2008

hike day 15: auvillar

spotted a couple of deer bouncing across rolling hills of wheat fields before the morning mist had burned away. just the birds and i. very peaceful.

stopped for the night in the old vicarage of lectoure, yet another superb little town with a grab-bag full of architectural goodies dating back to the middle ages. not much is open though. this is typical of villages and small towns in france. i'm guessing it's because they tend to cater so much to tourists on weekends that they need the extra day off. marie-claude, ai-je vise juste?


Anonymous said...

Hi Hellen
He(ll)(long legs), tu mènes un train d'"ENFER".
Bravo pour la performance physique et je sais que tu sais aussi t'arrêter regarder vivre notre vieille FRANCE.
Bon courage Love

Anonymous said...

Hey! my ears have heard a strange comment tonight: Elle(n) a le feu au derrière ou quoi?!!!!! Guess who called from Québec? Hope he will manage to show his own literary talents on your page.
Yes maybe French villagers need some extra rest!What time was it ?early? Happy girl in the morning dew with the deer!
You are soon coming to Condom!!!! and Montréal du Gers: Yvon tasted the "pousse-rapière" over there! Try it at night.