Friday, June 20, 2008

la tarte et encore la tarte!

somebody pinch me: i'm either dreaming most exquisitely or my third shakrah has levitated to a higher plane. my gastronomic home runs are flying so fast and furious i can barely keep track. how about we begin with a dazzling and decadent croissant a l'amandine that had my eyes popping out of my head over breakfast yesterday morning? or even its piping hot companion - a smooth yet deadly potent cafe au lait that soon had jet fuel coursing through my veins? (zeez french...zey mayk a mechant cup of coffee, n'est-ce pas?) i've likely already gone on long enough about the fine local cheeses but what of the marvelous chestnut spread i picked up from a farmer? propriety be damned, this was a job for one spoon, one sitting.

ahhhh, but the prize, the crown jewel, the mother of all things palette-pleasing snuck up on me today at the stroke of noon in the village square of aubrac where the cows are the prettiest eye-shadow wearing animals you´ve ever seen. completely oblivious to the fate lady luck had in store for me, i unloaded my knapsack at an outdoor cafe in search of something with which to whet my whistle. and there, to my amazement and suddent excitement lay the three biggest, motherest, most lip-smacking tarts i have ever laid eyes on! i instantly began salivating like one of pavlov's dogs. the first was an apple crumble, the second an apple custard and the third a mile-high bumbleberry. que de beaute divine, i nearly fell on my knees in thanks. now what could be better than an oasis of tarts on a long hot hike? (me, me, pick me - i have the answer in my back pocket!) why, a heaping slice of bumbleberry tart the size of new york state of course! messieux, dames, lunch is served.

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