Wednesday, June 18, 2008

hike day 2: le sauvage

my exit out of monistrol was a straight-up switchback climb out of the valley to rise above the rain clouds. the respite was only momentary though. all day long, a deluge of rain, the mountain path turned to a river and mud half way up to your knees. little to do but damn the torpedoes and forge a path dead centre.

i thank my lucky stars for some hangtime zith a couple of hysterical viennese and swiss dudes who saved the day over a fantastic aubrac region goulash dinner with a few bottles of local red.


Anonymous said...

salut Hélène, j'espère que t'as pas trop d'ampoule (ou phlyctène) à avoir marché dans l' bon voyage christiane Jasmin (

Anonymous said...

salut cri-cri! pas d'ampoules! je connais bien mes pieds et je veux les rendre heureux!! le paysage est magnifique. tu adorerais. salut, mon amie! h xoxox