Thursday, June 26, 2008


few are fellow pilgrims whom i meet that have undertaken this voyage solo. many local folks look behind me, past me, searching for another backpacker before asking incredulously "mais vous etes seule?" my stock reply is that you are never really alone for you meet so many locals and other pilgrims along the way. they can't believe it and often suggest i must be very "couragious".

that kind of comment must come from a somewhat cynical view of the world where one must have someone else on whom to rely in the event of a mishap. seems to me if you live in anticipation of a shitstorm, then it shall be served up on a silver platter. anyway, people are by nature helpful and so i believe perfect strangers can be relied upon in an emergency.

another frequent question that comes my way is "don't you get lonely?" truth be known, i am only too happy in my own company during the day, occupying my thoughts with everything and nothing, working hard to reign them in to focus on the present. if i meet people along the way or in the evening, that is enough socializing to sustain me. call me weird if u will (a little touch of quirk never hurt anyone!)

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