Wednesday, July 9, 2008


honestly, it was bound to happen sooner or later. here's the deal.

when hiking long distances in the countryside, some of the niceties of civilized living must necessarily slip by the wayside. not to put too fine a point on it, peeing becomes a simple matter of taking two steps to the side of the road, dropping your droars and letting 'er rip. of course, a good glance in either direction and a listen for oncoming traffic is de rigueur.

well, all the checks were successfully executed, my gotchies were hovering mid-calf and i had a good flow going when...a car buzzed around the corner. busted en flagrant delit! there was nothing to do but crouch wayyy down for modesty's sake and flash (ahem!) the driver a sheepish but apologetic smile. before he disappeared around the bend, i detected the old aggravated rolling eyes routine as though this were behaviour typical of any foreign devil! hmmm, given the technological advances in hybrid vehicles and their stealthy approach, i'd best be advised to reconsider my cavalier peeing technique in favour of a wee bit more cover!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg, another peeing story!!!! I need to collect these into a book :p