Thursday, July 10, 2008

unleashing my inner ¨wooey wooey¨!

the day´s ascent was punctuated by flocks of sheep, goats, herds of cows and horses crossing my path. and there was this swiss guy in a 10 gallon hat taking a break on a rock while munching on a banana. then more herds, gorgeous vistas and windscapes. ohh, there was the swiss again...seemingly sitting on the same rock...seemingly eating the same banana! more pilgrims strolled by, i stopped to breathe in the magnificence of it all and...good god! there was the swiss banana-eater on that rock again as if in some weird deja vu.

¨come on now grrl¨, i thought, ¨get a hold of yourself¨. this ain´t no hollywood flic starring shirley maclaine and he ain´t no alien personified in the king of atlantis come to abduct and immaculately impregnate her 70 year old vessel. he´s just a vitamin b deficient dude taking frequent banana breaks. eeeek, you slide the barn door open a smidegeon and out goes your inner wooey running amok sewing a morass of bizarrisms through the minefield of your imagination!

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