Monday, July 7, 2008

hike day 22: book murder at sauvelade!

mea culpa, i have committed a crime punishable by death. at least that was the case eons ago in medieval france. back in the bloody heyday of heads-will-roll style french law, oral tradition was alive and well, illiteracy ruled and even kings were ill-versed in the arts of reading and writing. these were times when a little piece of magic known as a book was a rare and precious thing. the maiming or - worse yet - destruction of any such coveted gem was considered a heinous crime akin to murder of one's brethren.

with three days of hiking left north of the french border, i was eager to jettison some ballast. this all in anticipation of my crossing in the pyrenees: 1400 metres straight up followed by a 500 metre descent over the course of some 26 km.

thus, my 1200 page novel - which has been my steadfast companion these past weeks - was submitted to a surgical procedure this morning. the first half that was happily consumed was - ohh horror of horrors - guillotined and abandoned on the shelf at the sauvelade inn. act of heresy? maybe so but a lighter pack makes for happy feet and on a trip such as this, that is what it's alllll about!


Anonymous said...

So you are in Sauvelade: lucky you and believe it or not, I nearly envy you to be walking in the rain: here we are supposedly spending time with grandchildren at the beach!!! That bloody weather gets on my nerves! So be happy and muddy!Love MCL

Anonymous said...

Salut Hell, Hellion, Hellen, Hélène, LNK (Gertrud serait si simple),
Une pensée particulière pour toi qui souffres à quelques km des frontières de l'Espagne. Au Québec, il fait un temps super et les autochtones sont contents. Bonne fin de pèlerinage!
Cette fois, j'ai pris soin d'éviter les putains d'accrocs à la langue française. Si tu peux corriger mon dernier message, ce serait sympa. Sinon, je rédigerai mes prochains commentaires en anglais. Quelle honte! Enfin, pour moi qui suis amoureux de cette belle langue française.


Y.B. (Poil court)