Thursday, July 3, 2008

putain de punaises!

bedbugs. ughhhhhhhh. dozens of bites, very painful and swollen, evidently another allergic reaction similar to last year. sleepless night, felt them crawling all over me every second. switched beds three times, submitted my clother to a meticulous inspection at 3 am but the place was infested. disgusting.

hit the road early as i couldn't sleep anyway and got my mind off what i certainly knew to be hitchhikers in my knapsack. the day was saved in a big way when i ran into christophe, sebastien and laurent - from toulouse, lemans and montpelier respectively - a couple of super sweet guys with whom i laughed my way to eauze, some 35 km later. when we reached the city, i set all my belongings out on the lawn and laundered everything in sight. hope that does the trick.

had a grrr8 communal dinner with an international crowd. the camino's a little like life that way. one minute up, then next down but the very next back up again. tiens, c'est comme ca, n'est-ce pas?


Anonymous said...

Where on earth did you sleep? And what time was it when you wrote the message? Is it French time?
Hope you were not soaked wet today, enjoy the soon coming Béarn.
Thinking of you on Québec's 400th anniversary.Love. MCL

Anonymous said...

Que de beaux souvenirs pour moi à Eauze où il faisait beau le soleil sur cette terrasse du café Commercial. Mon fils et moi avions bien dormi et bien mangé à cet hotel de l'Armagnac non investi par les putains de punaises et dont le vieux bourru d'aubergiste nous servait des frites qui me font encore saliver. Hélène, j'espère que tu as pensé à apporter ton "Old Dutch".
Merci à ceux et celles qui pensent à Québec en cette journée de notre 400è anniversaire.

Y.B. (poil court)

Anonymous said...

J'oubliait de te chanter, Hélène, cette belle chançon: Si j'avais les Hell d'un ange, je partirais pour Québec (inside joke)


Y.B. (poil court)

Anonymous said...

ooooooooo Helster... another bug story. my nose has been crinkled up in horror as I read your entry for today...

Hang in there babe!
