Sunday, July 13, 2008

i, bird brain

as geeky as it is, here is the list of funky birds i´ve encountered while in france and spain!

chocard à bec jaune (alpine chough)
martinet à ventre blanc (alpine swift)
hirondelle rustique (barn swallow)
gypaete barbu (bearded vulture)
pie bavarde (blackbilled magpie)
heron garde-boeuf (cattle egret)
grue cendree (common crane)
coucou gris (common cuckoo)
aigle royal (golden eagle)
pic-vert (green woodpecker)
faucon pelerin (peregrine falcon)
cigogne blanche (white stork)


Anonymous said...

Tu as oublié le "ouille, ouille, ouille", oiseau commun dans le sud/ouest de la France.

Anonymous said...

dear helen,
i still can remember me walking up the mountain after Pamplona with Debi, heading for the iron men. Halfway up the mountain [as it was still early] we sat down, and had some sweet rolls and something to drink. it was so early still that our legs needed a break and our bodies some food after the wine from the night before. Looking out over Peinta la Reina, not knowing what that journey would bring us. Well you know how it is by now, we were only 4 days on the Camino, how little did we know.
Have fun out there and enjoy as much as you can.
love Gerard

Anonymous said...

chirpity chirp chirp chirp