Wednesday, July 9, 2008

hike day 24: ostabat

on my last full day in france, i marched to the gentle clanging of cowbells all around me. i am now in the foothills of the pyrenees where pastures are carved into hillsides and collections of white dots punctuate the landscape. how these cows, goats and sheep manage to maintain their balance on such steep fields is a mystery to me.

nike could really cash in by developing a livestock hoof pump where each animal could auto-adjust according to the grade in their particular pasture. clearly the nike r&d team urgently needs my creative mind.

having left behind the road signs in french and languedoc, the signs are now bilingually displayed en basque. i crossed the occasional bit of graffiti in support of "ETA", the brutal basque terrorist movement that has kidnapped and killed a number of tourists in past years. weird...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please don't get kidnapped!!!!!! I'd miss you....
in Barcelona lol